Saturday, 29 October 2011


We decided to create a second by second track of what would happen in the video, according to the bars in the song.
For example: 2.14 - 2.29 'Ghost Horses, Ghost Horses'
(4 bars) Sped up shots of bird trapped in the cage. Emotion shots and close-ups of girl.
We thought this type of plan would be efficient as it leaves ideas open for when filming but it gives us a useful structure to the video, and also gives us an idea of how many shots we need of certain ideas so that when we come to edit the video, we will have enough film to work with.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Location research

We decided to consider a couple of locations, one being Orrell Reservoir due to it's close proximety to our college. We took our DSLR on location to see how the area looked on film.

These are a select few of the many photos we took whilst there, and although the images translate well, unfortunately the area would not be a sufficient size to film our planned video. We now know from this that we need to find a wooded area that is a large enough capacity for us to film panning shots successfully etc.

Our next idea for a location was Borsdane Woods, Hindley. This area includes a very large wooded area, and a shallow stream which we believed we could incorporate in to our video.

We were really pleased with the outcome of the photos from the area, and therefore have chosen to use Borsdane Woods as our location. The place is very diverse and offers a wide range of opportunities for shots, and the contrast between the dark enclosed spaces and the open woodland would work in favour of our video.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Props: Birds

For our props in our video, we wanted a bird cage and a bird. We will use one white bird in our music video, and here are some photos of the birds we may be using:

The reason for the birdcage/bird is to portray in the video the idea that the girl's inner self/demons are trapped inside her, and she is trying to escape this. This can be represented symbolically, through the bird being trapped in the birdcage, and then to make the link clear, at the end of the video when the girl appears to have overcome her schizophrenic personality, a shot of the bird cage open with no bird, will represent how this inner problem has finally escaped, and leaves both the white bird, and the innocent girl (white dress) free.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Purchasing Props

As we wanted a vintage-type bird cage for our video, we searched online for the right type and successfully found one that suited our ideas.

Confirmation of Payment -

Closer Look -

Idea for final shot including birdcage-

Friday, 7 October 2011

Costume ideas

We liked the costume in the new Lady Gaga video 'You and I'. The sleek and innocent style of this dress would work well for our character dressed in white. We would make another dress in black and adapt it eg. rip/tear it to fit with the dark side of the character dressed in black. The ballet shoes also have quite a wholesome look as we want our character to look as if they belong in the suroundings eg. the woods.

We also decided that on each wrist, we would tie around one black cloth, and one white cloth. This would be so that whatever dress Megan was wearing at the time, there would always be a physical essence of the other personality that remained.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Video Inspiration/Research

Our main inspiration for our music video is from previous Radiohead videos. One of these videos is 'Street Spirit' which contains lots of video techniques which have inspired us to attemot to replicate in our own video.
These shots are:

0.21-0.24seconds: Moving shadow over subject.
0.38-0.40seconds: Image overlay, subject contained within silhouette
0.56-0.59seconds &1.38-1.43: Fade between similar shots

Video Research - TV Effect

Bowling for Soup - Girl All The Bad Guys Want

Whilst searching for ideas on Youtube, we came across the idea of using a TV as part of the video, and how the TV could be used to zoom into whilst playing the original clip; shown clearly at 1:18. We think this idea would be a good concept to use at the beginning and end of the video to emphasise the effect of entering the 'inner' side of the girl's personality from the 'outside' point of view.

As we are inspired by existing Radiohead videos, 'Knives Out' also has used the concept of filming a tv screen as it plays the video, and so we decided that this idea would definitely be an interesting feature to use, as a slow transition at the begininning and end.

[Continuation from 0:10 onwards]

Request for Permission

Next, we needed to ask for permission to use 'You and Whose Army' for our music video. We sent an email to the Contact Correspondence in charge of Radiohead's website 'WASTE'.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Further Audience Research (Radiohead Specific)

We have now decided to produce a new survey concentrating just on receiving feedback about making an amateur Radiohead music video. This means more specific questions, with a specialised target audience.
This time, we used 'Survey Monkey' to collect our details, as it allowed us to generate an electronic and interactive survey which we could then efficiently send via email, or post to Facebook to receive a larger and therefore more accurate response overall.

The link to this survey is:

And this is how the survey looks:

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Audience Research Results

For our audience research we devised a questionnaire and proceeded to ask twenty people about their music tastes. Here are the results in various charts to display our findings:

From these results, it is clear to see that our target audience prefers the genre 'Indie/Alternative', they find music videos very important, they also find a narrative/story most preferable, and Q is the most preferred magazine to read.