Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Final Choice for Location

Although our original plan was to locate our video in Borsdane Woods, on the day of shooting, we changed our plan and instead filmed our shoot in Skitters Woods, for practicality reasons, as Borsdane Woods was too difficult to get to with all the equipment. Therefore, as Skitters Woods were much closer to our homes, we found it easier to access the woods and shoot the video there.
The location was a complete success, and worked extremely well with our plans for the video. Here are some photos of the location:

Friday, 4 November 2011

Costume Production

These photos show the process and finished product of the two costumes we need for our video. We bought 2 nighties, one black and one white, as well as black and white mesh. In the first photo is Megan sewing the mesh onto each nightie, leaving a long slit on one side of the dress, which can be seen in the bottom photo. Once successfully attached, we then adjusted the length, and ripped and teared the black mesh for effect, and left the white mesh as it was. We also made two bandages of mesh with each colour, for each wrist.