Friday, 10 February 2012

EVALUATION - Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After extensive research and planning, we decided on the song 'You and Whose Army' by Radiohead, which as an existing band, challenge the mainstream music video conventions themselves. As they are an alternative band, they also release rather alternative and quirky videos to match. Here are a few examples of the kind of videos Radiohead release:


This video leaves the viewer wondering, and it also leaves it down to the reader's interpretation as to what it stands for. We liked this idea of everybody interpreting the video differently, and so as our video is surreal and symbollic it is up to the viewer to decide what everything stands for, and what the underlying message is.

Street Spirit (Fade Out)

We liked this video for its effects, especially the slow motion and reversed shots and thought this would be an interesting element to include in our music video too, to create a distorted feel alongside the theme of 'mental distortion'.

Weird Fishes

In this video we loved the use of animation and so took inspiration from this for the paper-scrunching animation part in our video, at the chorus. We thought the outcome looked professional and effective.

Another convention we developed was the 'television' idea which was already previously used by Radiohead as well as Bowling For Soup, and we posted about this earlier in our Research/Planning:

Our interpretation of this in our video looked like this, with the added effect of snow to the scenic backdrop. This made the contrast of black and white be portrayed continuously, from the beginning to the end of the video:

The main concept of our media products however, was to portray contrasts and opposites, and combine the two together for effect. Radiohead's video for 'All I Need' did exactly this for the topic of exploitation and trafficking, and was one of the most inspiring videos for us to develop and conform to, when producing idea's for our own story/timeline.

This hard-hitting video with a message incorporated into it gave us the inspiration to challenge ourselves, and approach a topic ourselves which is not commonly approached for the storyline of a music video. We chose the mental illness of schizophrenia, which too has 2 sides to the illness and can be portrayed carefully and symbolically by opposites of colour/contrast, behaviour, and in our instance the 'bird trapped in the cage' metaphor is also an underlying message throughout the video.

Ways in which we portrayed this include:

It is not only conventions of Radiohead videos however that we used - we researched into many other existing alternative bands, in order to conform accurately to such conventions. 

One in particular was The Scientist by Coldplay, which is a fascinating video with a narrative told in reverse. This too encouraged us to use reversed effects, as well as shoot a video outdoors. One effect in particular we liked was the 'falling leaves' reverse shot [2:22-2:24 -] and incorporated our own version of this into our video.

Although we challenged mainstream real media products with our alternative video, for our target audience we technically conformed. For the niche audience that listen to bands such as Radiohead, it would be inappropriate to produce a music video for example that didn't suit their style. Instead, we took it on ourselves to develop existing conventions for an alternative video to create an effective outcome.
If we produced an R'n'B however, then a quirky and symbolic video would be challenging existing conventions. Instead for existing R'n'B videos it would be expected that the artist would feature heavily throughout, presenting an egotistic persona and commonly featuring dance routines and also usually adheres to the male gaze.

Beyonce's video 'Video Phone' is a prime example of conforming to such existing conventions, and although this style of video is expected for such a song, a video like this for Radiohead's 'You and Whose Army' would not be appropriate and not conform at all to the conventions of their style.
This shows how important it is to take into consideration the genre of the music video and how this affects the typical conventions that should be followed in order to produce a successful video for its target audience.

As for the ancillary products, it is the same as in they conform well to the typical Radiohead conventions, however not necessarily for the mainstream conventions that an R'n'B artist for example would. For instance, a mainstream artist such as Rihanna's album artwork is very different to our artwork, as it firstly centres on the artist herself, as well as conforming to the male gaze with a provocative photo to appeal the viewer's eye:

Our artwork challenges this mainstream convention, but this is appropriate as we are appealing to a different audience and so although our finished artwork doesn't appeal to the mainstream audience, it is important that it conforms to our niche target audience, in which it does.

The typical convention for alternative bands isn't to centre their artwork on the artists themselves (as can be seen by the examples below) and instead it is typical to create artistic album artwork instead, in which we have too developed through our own photography and ideas in order to create a successful digipak.

It is clear to see that our digipak adheres to this artistic type of artwork and therefore we are pleased with the outcome which uses these typical conventions:

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

The first bit of audience research we did was looking at existing media texts. We looked at Radiohead music video's on YouTube and also at Radiohead forums/chatrooms. We then agreed on our target audience which was predominantly male and aged between 18 and 30.

We then created a short multiple choice survey on the website SurveyMonkey. I asked my friends, teachers and classmates as well as posting it on the Radiohead fan page on Facebook to complete the survey.

We did this before making our video to see if the interest for a new video was there, to see what audience we would market towards and to see what characteristics of Radiohead videos appeal to fans.

Looking at question one, it is clear to see that our video would be well received as 62.5% of people surveyed would like to see a new video. We found this important as if people didn't like the initial concept it is unlikely our video would be a success.
Question two was very important as we had our prospective storyline which was a narrative with lots of surreal imagery. As we found in our research, Radiohead rarely feature in the video as a classic band performance so we understood why less people chose this option. The feedback we received coincided with our proposed ideas with most people answering 'surrealism'. With this feedback it allowed us to be as creative as possible and to create as surreal a video as we could.

We followed up the band idea in question three. We decided to make sure that people didn't want to see the band. Radiohead rarely feature in videos/album covers/interviews as the mystery behind their image makes them more appealing. Therefore we didn't want to shoot an airbrushed 'star' lead music video as it wouldn't coincide with Radioheads philosophy. 15 out of 23 surveyed chose 'Not very important' or 'Don't care' making this audience research very valuable.

As our idea for the music video came from listening to the lyrics we decided to ask people whether the correlation between the lyrics and the imagery was important to them. This would lend itself to a more narrative style video if the answers were mainly yes. Only one person answered 'No' and the other 22 answered 'Yes' or 'Not bothered'. This meant that we set to work analysing the lyrics and interpreting them in a way to create a story.
For question five we wanted to establish how many of Radioheads fans admired them for their current style. Radiohead are conventional by being unconventional so we decided to ask if people wanted this style to continue or if they wanted to see a different side to their music. 19.5% answered 'conventional Radiohead style' which meant we had plenty of real media texts to look at and draw inspiration from as these would be the features our audience would be looking for. We allowed those surveyed to respond if they chose something different. Here are some of the responses:

We found the audience were looking for more storyline and narrative rather than random imagery and also 'impressionistic' ideas and 'hidden meaning'. This was very useful to get a direct insight into what the audience were looking for described in their own words.

For question six we wanted to verify that we had calculated our audience correctly. However as we emailed our college class mates to fill out the survey we were expecting it to be slightly biased. 15 of the 23 surveyed were aged 16-20 which is within our target audience yet there were also 6 people aged between 21 and 35 which was the other end of our target audience range.

The main thing we learned from audience feedback is even though audiences like to see unconventional music videos, being unconventional is very unconventional in the modern media. We learned that audiences like to know what to expect from a genre/artist and that's why they listen to them, respect them and buy their music/merchandise.

Finally, at then end of production and editing we decided as our audiences views had be so important during the creation of the video we should film a compilation of our peers giving video feedback:

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Social networking has played a crucial role in our production as it is true feedback from the audience we were targeting. Use of websites such as Twitter and also Facebook have helped us to get feedback through every step of production:

Digital production allows endless creativity at the touch of a button. It allows us all to be experts by editing with easy to use commercial editing software.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Poster Progression

For the poster, we used an image from the band photoshoot and contorted the image on Adobe Photoshop apart from the centre, in which the band members are situated. Using the software we distorted the surrounding trees and branches for effect, which again conformed to the theme of distortion in all products. We do this so that one product can be easily related and identified to another, and also as a magazine poster it is appealing to the eye and draws in the readers' attention.

After this, we then altered the lighting and contrast to darken the image, again apart from in the centre where it is brighter and therefore draws attention to the band members who are left unedited, however still leaves a mystery as they are not facing the camera.

At the bottom of the image is the text in which a poster entails, which includes the existing band logo in the same fonts and colours, which is important to keep the same so it can be identified. The poster conforms to typical magazine conventions with ratings, information, and links to websites. The final outcome looked bold and professional, and still contained typical Radiohead conventions which is the outcome we were looking for.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Magazine Poster Research

Looking at existing magazine posters in the magazines our target audience prefer, such as Q and NME, it would be appropriate that the poster we create would conform to such posters so that it suits the style of the magazine.
Looking at these magazines, it is clear that they all include the necessary information for a poster, including a clear artist logo with a large artistic/band image as the background. It also includes information about the record and its release dates for instance, as well as internet links and other small print.
It is important that we conform to these typical conventions of a magazine poster for it to be used as a legitimate poster.