Thursday, 19 January 2012

Poster Progression

For the poster, we used an image from the band photoshoot and contorted the image on Adobe Photoshop apart from the centre, in which the band members are situated. Using the software we distorted the surrounding trees and branches for effect, which again conformed to the theme of distortion in all products. We do this so that one product can be easily related and identified to another, and also as a magazine poster it is appealing to the eye and draws in the readers' attention.

After this, we then altered the lighting and contrast to darken the image, again apart from in the centre where it is brighter and therefore draws attention to the band members who are left unedited, however still leaves a mystery as they are not facing the camera.

At the bottom of the image is the text in which a poster entails, which includes the existing band logo in the same fonts and colours, which is important to keep the same so it can be identified. The poster conforms to typical magazine conventions with ratings, information, and links to websites. The final outcome looked bold and professional, and still contained typical Radiohead conventions which is the outcome we were looking for.

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