This is our opening shot. We took footage of Megan smoking and reversed it by ticking the Reverse Speed box under the Speed/Duration option. As well as this we increased the speed to 150% to fit in with the intake of breath heard at the start of the track. We thought this effect would draw the viewers' attention straight from the beginning.
We took a shot of Megan throwing some leaves and cut it into five sections. The first two shots show Megan throwing the leaves and them falling in real time, and the third shot is a copy of the second shot and is reversed so that the leaves rise again. We also slowed this shot down to 80% to emphasis what we had done. The fourth shot is the another copy of the second shot which returns back to forward motion and the fifth shot continues to show the end of the footage.The fourth and fifth shot are still at 80% speed, so the overall shot is fitting to the time of the music.
We took footage of Megan twisting the matieral of her dress and cut it up randomly and rearranged them in no particular order to create a jump cut effect. We also sped this up to 300% to create an erractic effect amongst the slower, calmer shots. We also used this effect on the footage with the black dress to create a visible contrast between the two characters. We used a slow panning shot inbetween which pans from the left side of Megan to the right side to symbolise each character as different side of her personality.
Here, we decided to overlap two shots with low opacity, and used a short Cross Dissolve at the beginning to soften the effect of the overlap. The two shots however were very different; the original shot was sped up to 200% and then reversed so that Megan would be walking backwards, whilst the second shot was a zoomed in shot of Megan's eyes, which was slowed down to 50%. The fact the two shots are complete opposites are effective, and also portrays that the dark version of the girl is watching over the innocent side of the girl who is being drawn in, hence the reversed motion.
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